Year 8 Science

Extension and Literacy tasks

Welcome to The Oakley College Year 8 Science Site

a) Understanding sound!

Make an informative A3 poster that shows everything you have learned about sound so far!

Include: labelled diagrams, key words and definitions, colour!

Your poster should answer the questions...... What is sound? what is high/low pitch and large/small amplitudes? Use diagrams to explain this. What type of wave is sound? Does it travel faster in water or air and why? What is Infra/Ultrasound? Uses of sound?

b) Science and sustainability!

Research ways in which people have used modern science to make things more environmentally friendly and sustainable!

Certain topics may include:

  • Transportation

  • Food

  • Technology

  • Energy

Once you have compiled your research, write what you have learned in an essay that presents your findings in a logical order. Your essay may include, drawings, figures, diagrams.

OR you may present your research in an A3 poster!