Year 10

Extension and Literacy tasks

  1. What if you lived on a planet where 'g' takes a different value than on earth?

Imagine you lived on a different planet and send a postcard or letter home to your friend. Describe how life is different because of the difference in 'g'. Furthermore, your letter should include an explanation of why the value of 'g' is different where you are. To find out about gravity on different planets watch the video below. For extra effort you could include other differences of this planet (like surface or atmosphere etc) or a calculation to determine 'g', but that's optional.

2. Mythbusters: The Penny Drop

Can a penny dropped from the Empire State Building kill you? Think about the physics at play - force, pressure, velocity, acceleration, air resistance....

Predict if you think the penny could kill (or significantly hurt) a person. Then watch the video below. State if you prediction was correct or incorrect. Then describe and explain what the mythbusters discovered in their investigation. Remember to use evidence!