What is a research poster?

Creating and presenting a research poster is a common way for undergraduate researchers to share their work at conferences, symposia, and other events. 

A research poster is a visual communication tool that allows you to present your research in a clear, concise, graphic format. It attracts attention, conveys information clearly, and initiates conversations about your work. 

An effective poster is not just a standard research paper stuck to a board. A poster uses a different, visual grammar. It shows, not tells. 

The following links provide some examples of effective research posters:

A simple Google Image Search will give you a sense of what to expect when constructing a research poster.

The University of Texas – Austin has a great resource on undergraduate posters. See their examples of past student posters (from all different disciplines) for specific examples.

Some Additional Useful Links Describing Effective Research Posters


A few other tips here, here, and here