How to make a poster

We will make our posters using Microsoft Office PowerPoint. 

Our posters will be 24x36 inches in size. 

Download and modify this PowerPoint template above for your poster. You should download this as a powerpoint file. You can also download it from this Google Drive link, but make sure you download as a PowerPoint file.

If you have difficulty downloading this as a PowerPoint file, let Professor Fails ( know, and he will send it directly via email.

This template is custom-sized to 24X36. DO NOT CHANGE THE DIMENSIONS OF THIS SLIDE!

You are free to modify the colors, Design/theme, placements of the text boxes, etc. These slides discuss some of the basics of editing the text boxes, shape colors, shape outlines, in PowerPoint. 

Of course, every project is different and will have different needs of materials to be presented. Some of you are presenting quantitative, large-N projects, which will require the presentation of data and other quantitative results in tables, figures, etc. Some of you are doing case studies and other qualitative methodologies, so your needs will be different. Such projects may be better served by using maps, pictures, and other visual elements to develop the argument. It is up to you to determine how best to present your project in a visually-compelling fashion. 

When in doubt, you should always use more visuals (pictures, figures, graphs, maps, etc.) than text!

Slide Design Tips



Saving and Submitting your Poster