Leadership Philosophy

"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." - Peter Drucker

Right away, get the right people working on the right things.

For me, leadership begins with understanding the strengths of each team member. A leader brings together the right people for the task, creating the vision and establishing the map for success. After that, a leader helps clear the way for the team to progress.

When it comes to organizations, corporations, and even simple group projects, finding the right people is key. Having the right people is more important than having a vision because no matter how invigorating the vision is, you can never reach it without the right people.

How to Get the Right People

Right Environment

Members of your group should feel safe in a consistent, psychologically safe environment where they can take risks without risking themselves. We all need to feel safe sharing our ideas with the team.

Know Your Team

Leaders should understand and truly care about their team members. This goes beyond the typical "one-on-one" or more formal meetings. Teams that are too large risk unproductive collaboration and a lack of community.

Develop Your Team

A good leader helps team members develop the skills to leave and work anywhere they want. This helps current team members be the best they can be and creates a culture that people want to be a part of.

Treat Your Team Right

To keep your team together, a good leader treats everyone right so that even after developing the skills to work anywhere, your people want to work with you. A team that stays together works better together. [¹,²,³]