Policies, Rates & Scheduling


  1. Instrument use

    1. Core hours of operation are 9a - 5p M-F.

    2. Instrument use is restricted to authorized users with scheduled reservations.

    3. Instrument use authorization requires a hands-on demonstration of proficiency to Core staff.

      1. Training is available to users who lack proficiency.

    4. Scheduling is managed through the Clustermarket application (detailed below).

    5. All instances of instrument use must be properly logged using the individual instrument logs.

    6. Any instrument issues must be noted in the appropriate log and promptly reported to Dr. Gunther.

    7. PI's are responsible for instrument damage due to misuse by individual users.

    8. Before concluding their session, users must clean up the area and leave instruments in stand-by condition.

  2. Scheduling

    1. Instrument reservations are managed through the Clustermarket application.

    2. Unused reservations not removed from the calendar twelve hours in advance will be charged the full rate.

    3. A reservation is forfeited if the user does not show up within two hours after the reserved starting time.

  3. Fee-for-service projects

    1. An initial (free) consultation is required to determine project feasibility, and estimate timeframe & costs.

    2. No services will be provided prior to project review and approval.

  4. Recharges

    1. Recharges are used to maintain instrument service contracts and staffing.

    2. An OU fund number is required when scheduling instrument time or requesting fee-for-service.


EEMC Recharges


Click below to request:

  • Authorization

  • Training

  • Fee-for-service

  • Instrument time

For questions contact lauragunther@oakland.edu