The exchange philosophy

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." - Mark Twain

Exchange is important, even crucial. It forces students out of their comfort zone in a manner that is exciting rather than threatening. It brings them into contact with different people, cultures, systems and countries. They experience the selection process, the sometimes mind-numbing yet vital bureaucratic requirements, saying goodbye to loved ones, the thrill of the unknown, missing home but learning to manage their emotions, forging new friendships, and returning to share their adventure. They learn of and from others, but also of themselves.

While we place a high premium on international exchange options, we do believe that experiencing diversity within South Africa and Africa is also vital, which is why we are in the process of investigating local exchanges. As far as overseas exchanges go, we strive to facilitate diverse and unique experiences for our students. We want them to learn but also to simply have fun by immersing themselves in the positive experiences on offer.

Ultimately, we want students to return from exchange with a willingness and ability to share what they've experienced, so that the entire Oakhill community may benefit from the exchange.