8th Grade: Mr. Junge/Mr. Pablo

The following are a few selected examples of various projects we have done since the Winter Show. With this unique school year, it is absolutely amazing to see what these young people have accomplished. Most of this semester was spent working on visual storytelling and character development. The main projects you will be seeing in this show are:

*Color Illustration concept drawings of characters imagined and designed by students

*Black and white "3 View" Character Designs, also known as "turn-arounds", "model sheets" or "design sheets"

*3D Character "Maquette" Sculptures, both finished and in progress.

*Various pieces of the students' choosing, produced independently of classroom assignments

Hana Walker Pettigrew

Aiyana Adriazola-Saunders

Amin Ahmed

Edain Baus

Auggie Biddle

Jovanna Chapman

Derick Davies

Giovanni Escobar-Cabrera

Samson Gabriel

Mirek Hanacek

Lola Harris

James Jaimes-Arevalo

Zarahana Kargbo

Mateo Komery

Anika Lande

Landen Leong

Kira Linde

Anna Muchmore

Mikah Palmore

Nia Phelan

Dorian Tobias

Gianna Toscano

Stella Tran

Lars Abom