

This school year, TLC personnel will be paired up with teachers and will collaboratively work on setting a goal, or goals, in an area that the teachers would like to focus. TLC members will have two half-days each month, with a substitute teacher provided, so that they can observe in classrooms, provide feedback, model for teachers, help teachers set goals and monitor their progress toward their goals.

Teachers’ goals may focus on instructional strategies, classroom management, or other areas. TLC personnel will also help teachers implement district-wide PD, which this year will focus on literacy strategies for K-6 and effective questioning techniques and “thinking questions” for K-12.


Twice during the school year, teachers will have the opportunity to evaluate the impact of the TLC program and provide suggestions. Assessment data from Iowa Assessments, MAP, and AimsWeb will be used to look at the impact of the TLC program on student learning.

At the end of each year, the committee will evaluate the effectiveness of the program, based on surveys from the teaching staff that are given twice a year.