Video GameS

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Many hands make light work - encouraging people to work together. It can be used to invite people to participate or to acknowledge the effort and work of many.


Design for Manufacturing


Student Led Project

GDevelop is a completely free code-less game engine designed for beginners and developers to quickly develop web and mobile games. Did I mention it was free?

It's super simple to learn and super powerful. Start your journey to gaming-goodness today. Official Webpage

If you are at home or want to use your own device you can download it from here. Oh.... and it's free!


Follow these awesome tutorials from the team at GDevelop to teach you all you need to know to get started on making the game of the dreams.

Watch and learn with the Full Playlist of 8 Videos

And the Official LEARN page on the GDevelop Website

In Depth Video Tutorials

Here are a few in depth tutorials to make a few common game types using what you have learned.

Make sure you have watched the above tutorials before trying these. They are all fast video tutorials and assume you are fairly good with GDevelop already.

Platform Game Tutorials

Click the image to go to the You Tube playlist for a full in-depth tutorial running through the Platform Sample game and how to make it.

Asteroids Game Tutorials

Another awesome tutorial series showing you how to make an asteroids style game. Clcik the image to go to the You Tube playlist

In Depth Written Tutorials

GDevelop WIKI Tutorials

Take your pick from a bunch of awesome writte tutorials for a whole heap of different games and features.

You've got platformers, Tank Shooters, Endless Runners, Breakout games and more!

Click the image to go to the wiki page and start learning

Now Create your Own Game!!

Make sure you use copyright free assets or create your own

Before exporting your game

  1. Make sure your game works

  2. Make sure your game has a Start Scene this is normally the first one in the list but in some versions of GDevelop you can set in the properties tab (see picture)

  3. Make a folder in your local drive that you can export your game into (for instance "Game Export"). This is so that it keeps all the required files in one place. GDevelop generates hundreds of files and folders that are required to be able to run your game.

Submit your best work

Follow the instructions below to:

  • export

  • upload to (create your own account)

  • Embed in your website on

This can be one of the tutorials you followed or your own creation!

You will judge each other on Aesthetics, Functionality and Overall Game Play (high scores, levels, challenge etc)


Full instructions for exporting your game and uploading it to are here

Like seriously..... check the link!

Export as a HTML5 file.

Save to a folder on your local drive, (eg. My Documents or Desktop). Zip/Compress this folder.

Create an account / Log in to

Fill in all the details including the Kind of Project as HTML and remember to upload your Zip file (see images below)

HOW TO Embed YOUR GDevelop GAME in your Website

To put your game into your website.

  1. Check it is running correctly on

  2. Go to Distribute > Embed game in the Edit Game screen

  3. Copy the code supplied into your website

More Resources

Kenney Art Assets




Digital Technologies | Progress Outcomes

Designing and developing Digital Outcomes FOR DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES

At the end of this topic students will have had the opportunity to cover;

  • make decisions about creating, manipulating, storing, retrieving, sharing, and testing digital content for a specific purpose, given particular parameters, tools, and techniques PO2

  • understand that digital devices impact on humans and society and that both the devices and their impact change over time PO2

  • identify the specific role of components in a simple input-process-output system and how they work together, and they recognise the "control role” that humans have in the system PO2

  • select from an increasing range of applications and file types to develop outcomes for particular purposes PO2

  • follow a defined process to design, develop, store, test, and evaluate digital content to address given contexts or issues, taking into account immediate social, ethical, and end-user considerations PO3

  • identify the key features of selected software and choose the most appropriate software and file types to develop and combine digital content PO3

  • understand the role of operating systems in managing digital devices, security, and application software and are able to apply file management conventions using a range of storage devices PO3

  • understand that with storing data comes responsibility for ensuring security and privacy PO3

Computational thinking for digital technologies

The progress outcomes describe the significant learning steps that students take as they develop their expertise in computational thinking for digital technologies.

At the end of this topic students will have had the opportunity to cover;

  • understand that there can be more than one algorithm for the same problem PO3

  • decompose problems into step-by-step instructions to create algorithms for computer programs PO3

  • use logical thinking to predict the behaviour of the programs PO3

  • develop and debug simple programs that use inputs, outputs, sequence, and iteration PO3

  • students decompose problems to create simple algorithms using the three building blocks of programming: sequence, selection, and iteration PO4

  • implement these algorithms by creating programs that use inputs, outputs, sequence, basic selection using comparative operators, and iteration PO4

  • debug simple algorithms and programs by identifying when things go wrong with their instructions and correcting them PO4

  • be able to explain why things went wrong and how they fixed them PO4

  • evaluate the efficiency of algorithms PO4

  • evaluate user interfaces in relation to their efficiency and usability P04

  • students independently decompose problems into algorithms. They use these algorithms to create programs with: inputs, outputs, sequence, selection (using: comparative and logical operators, variables of different data types), iteration. P05

  • determine when to use different types of control structures. They document their programs, using an organised approach for testing and debugging P05

  • develop programs considering human-computer interaction (HCI) heuristics P05