Video & Audio Editing

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A white heron flies once - Treasure which is something very special and unusual takes place.




Design for Manufacturing


Create a short video using editing and audio skills. It can be funny and silly but needs to be appropriate!

NOTE: All the files you use (video clips, images and sound) need to be in the same folder as your OpenShot

  1. Download the files you need

  2. Setting up in OpenShot

  3. Putting clips into timeline

  4. Adding copyright free music

  5. Editing / transitions / flow / effects etc

  6. Title screen and credits

  7. Export to an AVI

! information

  1. Create a folder on your S: Drive for your project (Call it your student number)

  2. This has much larger space allocation (Good for larger files... like video)

  3. Remember to sit at the same computer during video production, (S:// drive does not follow you around like the H:// Drive)

  4. If you want to work on video using your own device, use Google drive for storage, but use the desktop for where you work on the file. (Download to the desktop, work on it, and then upload back to G-Drive so you don't burn through all your disc space.)

Basics of video editing

Very short video on the basics of editing a video with OpenShot

You should watch each section and practise some of the techniques so you can get a feel for the program.

Basics of Audio editing

A short introduction to editing audio with Audacity.

You should do some recording and get some creative commons music to try out the techniques shown in the video.

Note: Although you can edit audio in Openshot it is highly recommended that you edit your audio in a dedicated program like Audacity and export it across. Use the right tool for the right job!

Read me for some simple steps of how to make a video on weird animals! (click on drop down arrow)

  1. Open S:// on the computer. Windows + E key and click S://

  2. Create a folder . Right click, new folder, name it as your student number.

  3. Open Premiere Pro. Click the magnifying glass and type in Premiere.

  4. Save the file in the S:// folder you just made

  5. Go to the internet, search for weird animals. Save them in the S:// folder you made.

  6. Name each picture as you save it as the name of the animal. Right click on the image, File, save as, and name it, eg Proboscis monkey.jpg, or liger.jpg

  7. Once you have 10 pics go to premiere pro and File, Import and import the pictures.

  8. Drag them onto the time line.

  9. Look below at how to add sound. Add it

  10. To add word, go to Title and add title. Type the animal names so they play on each pic

  11. Add transitions between each image and add an intro and credits.

  12. Done.

  13. Save it.

If you are reopening the project and the files are not available, right click the video file and choose Link Media and then navigate to the S:// or where ever you saved the files and click on it and it will show up again.

P:\Digital Technologies\Interesting Video\Silly Video for Editing

Create your own short video including Audio

Check out Resources below for places to get free footage and sound, including some of our very own clips from BHS.

Submit your best work in P: drive

Please make sure you upload the exported file (AVI).

You will only have access to your own folder.


Possible sources of videos to edit:

  • Friends and Family

  • An event

  • Pets

  • School department

  • Sports Team, Cultural Club, or Extra-curricular Group


Digital Technologies | Progress Outcomes

Designing and developing Digital Outcomes FOR DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES

At the end of this topic students will have had the opportunity to cover;

  • make decisions about creating, manipulating, storing, retrieving, sharing, and testing digital content for a specific purpose, given particular parameters, tools, and techniques PO2

  • understand that digital devices impact on humans and society and that both the devices and their impact change over time PO2

  • identify the specific role of components in a simple input-process-output system and how they work together, and they recognise the "control role” that humans have in the system PO2

  • select from an increasing range of applications and file types to develop outcomes for particular purposes PO2

  • follow a defined process to design, develop, store, test, and evaluate digital content to address given contexts or issues, taking into account immediate social, ethical, and end-user considerations PO3

  • identify the key features of selected software and choose the most appropriate software and file types to develop and combine digital content PO3

  • understand the role of operating systems in managing digital devices, security, and application software and are able to apply file management conventions using a range of storage devices PO3

  • understand that with storing data comes responsibility for ensuring security and privacy PO3