Laboratory for Advanced Bio-Photonics and Imaging


Open Positions

We have multiple open positions in the team

Postdoctoral Position:

No Available Position 

NYUAD Global Ph.D. Student Fellowship (Open)

Application period: September 1, 2023 - December 1, 2023

NYUAD Global Ph.D. Student Fellowship (Fall 2024)

Ph.D. Student Fellowship in Biophotonics and Imaging:

Coursework at NYU New York, Research at NYU Abu Dhabi, and Ph.D. degree from NYU, NY, USA.


The Division of Engineering at New York University Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) invites applications for Research Assistants to work at the Laboratory for Advanced Bio-Photonics and Imaging (LAB-p) led by Prof. Azhar Zam on biomedical optics, optical imaging, medical lasers and/or AI-aided optical diagnostics and imaging as Ph.D. graduate researchers. This Fellowship is a unique opportunity to pursue advanced research across the two exciting campuses in Brooklyn, NY and Abu Dhabi. Students who receive the Fellowship complete all graduate coursework at the NYU Tandon School of Engineering, Brooklyn, New York, spend subsequent years working at the Zam’s Lab in NYU Abu Dhabi, UAE and receive the Ph.D. degree from the NYU Tandon School of Engineering upon graduation. The main features of the Fellowship are as follows:

*NYU Tandon School of Engineering Ph.D. degree upon graduation

*Graduate coursework at the Tandon School of Engineering in New York

*Cutting-edge research opportunities supported by a distinguished research community and state-of-the-art research facilities at NYU Abu Dhabi:

  •  NYU Abu Dhabi is ranked #1 in the UAE by the Nature Index for high-quality research output

  • You can find more about NYUAD research at the below link:

*Tuition, fees, and health insurance throughout doctoral studies, for a maximum of four years and contingent upon satisfactory progress

*Competitive stipend while in New York

*Competitive stipend, with additional housing support and home-travel allowance, while in Abu Dhabi

*Conference travel support and career development support at NYU Abu Dhabi

You can find more information regarding the Global Ph.D. program in BME and EE at the link below:

Qualifications and Preferred Skills and Experience:

  M.S. degree is required.

  B.S. and/or M.S. degrees in Biomedical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, or related fields.

  Experience in at least one of the following:

  Biomedical Optics

  Optical Imaging (e.g., Optical Coherence Tomography, Photoacoustics, Raman)

  Optical Biosensors

  Medical Lasers

All the requirements of the Ph.D. application for the NYU Tandon School of Engineering (an applicant who can’t meet a criterion below may still be considered if she/he demonstrates other strengths):

  GPA: ≥ 3.5/4.0 for B.S. and ≥ 3.8/4.0 for M.S.

  TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo: ³ 115/8.5/150

How to apply: LAB-PI is inviting applications for fully-funded PhD fellowship. Applicants must submit a full admission application to the corresponding program at NYU Tandon directly (, and send the following to – cover letter, – curriculum vitae with full publication list, – a statement of research interests, – three letters of recommendation - copies of your top publications (if any), - and transcripts of the B.S. and M.S. courses, all in PDF format. In your application at Tandon, you should indicate your campus preference as Abu Dhabi and your academic advisor preference as Prof. Azhar Zam in Your Statement of Purpose. If you have any questions, please email Prof. Zam at Up to 2 PhD fellowships are available for our Lab. 

Undergraduate Researchers:

Students who are interested in our projects from NYU, NYUAD, other NYU campuses, or from local universities in Abu Dhabi or the UAE are welcome to discuss any potential work in our lab for their capstone projects or during the summer time.

For inquiries, please contact Prof. Zam at