GLASS Project

What is a GLASS Project?

The projects for Tandon Honors students in the Global Leaders & Scholars in STEM program consists of a culmination of various experiences, research, and interests related to the Tandon Areas of Research Excellence. Scholars are also required to address the NAE Grand Challenges and think about the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals when doing so. At the end of the 3 years in the GLASS Program, students have a better understanding of the impact they can have on changing the world for the better. GLASS students enter the world as globally competent and socially responsible innovators and engineers!

Mission Statement/Progress

Areas of Excellence

The project relates to the field of artificial intelligence and cyber security. 

Artificial intelligence algorithms are often though of "automated super brain". They have the capacity to compute complex problem within timeframe impossible to humans. The so called "Siri" or "Alexa" of the future have greater potential than we imagine today. 

Cyber security is practice of securing the cyberspace. Internet has grown exponentially in the 20th century. However, there were little to no rules in the beginning. Hackers take personal information, spread wrong data, target specific group, and more. The act of policing the cyberspace to protect against such attack is, in simple term, cyber security.

UN Sustainability Development Goals/NAE Grand Challenges

Final Paper (TBD)