
Our events build community and are a resource for students and educators, NYC government, business leaders, and non-governmental and community organizations to investigate the travel, tourism, events, and hospitality sectors.

Past Events

SOUR: "Keeping it Glocal"

April 26, 2023, 3:30-5:30pm EST

SOUR collaborates with NYU SPS Tisch Center of Hospitality to discuss the need to empower authentic local solutions for the advancement of the global landscape. Through interactive discussions with diverse global industry leaders, we will unpack the first insight “Keeping it Glocal" in their What's Wrong with: Synthesis series. 

NYU Tisch Center-Africa House Fireside Chat with Michael Shirima

April 17 2023, 12:30-2 pm EST

Join the NYU School of Professional Studies Tisch Center for Hospitality, NYU Africa House, and Miracle Corners of the World (MCW), for a fireside chat with Tanzanian entrepreneur, Michael Shirima, founder of Precision Air in Tanzania. 

Digital Nomads Working Group

Digital Nomads Working Group

March 31, 2023, 3-5 pm

Digging into the collective databases we are developing, and sharing insights from the emerging research platform. 

Join our zotero group!

Reading Tools for Conviviality

March 2, 2023 | 3:00 PM - 5:00PM

Join the TTRC as we explore the deep insights of Ivan Illich in relation to travel and tourism, hospitality, education, and engaged scholarship.

Link to reading notes

TTRC at the Movies

February 17, 2023, 2:30-5 pm

Streaming: Baraka 

Join us in the immersion room on the 7th floor of the Bobst Library as we screen a classic travel film from the days before the birth of our undergrads.

2nd RISE Travel Institute Student Conference

February 10, 2023

The RISE Travel Institute Student Conference is an annual event where students from the Flagship Certificate Program in Sustainability and Anti-Oppression in Travel present their capstone projects to the community.

During the ten sessions of the RISE Flagship Certificate Program students interact with professionals and academics in tourism, social justice, and animal protection, cultivating an understanding of the different frameworks of sustainability and how to approach sustainable travel holistically. 

As the culmination of a comprehensive, structured, and research-based education on sustainable travel, the conference offers students the opportunity to share their ideas, remarks, reflections, and initiatives to improve the travel industry and travel experience.  

More Information

Sustainable Travel and Tourism Seminar

December 1-2, 2022

Join us for a discussion on topics related to global tourism risk, pathways to sustainability, independent hotels, community building, and sustainable algorithms. 

Links to NYU Zoom sessions on December 1 and December 2

Reading Tools for Conviviality

October 10, 2022 | 11AM - 12:30PM

Join the TTRC as we explore the deep insights of Ivan Illich in relation to COVID, travel and tourism, and the structural realities of late capitalism.  

Link to reading notes

Meet the Author: Matilde Azcárate

April 22, 2022 | 3PM - 4:30PM

Join the TTRC as we explore the work of Professor Matilde Azcárate and her book Stuck with Tourism. 

Link to NYU Zoom recording