
The New York University School of Professional Studies Travel and Tourism Research Collaboratory (TTRC) is a site of experimentation, gathering, and professional practice. We bring together academic researchers, industry thought leaders, and students. TTRC utilizes the technological capacity of the Tisch Center's Hi-Hub in conjunction with ongoing faculty research into travel and tourism, building connections with industry while giving students hands-on experience with research. 


To learn more about the team and our work, contact us at ttrc@nyu.edu

Faculty Affiliates

Christopher Gaffney, NYU

Jukka Laitamaki, NYU

Bruno Eeckels, NYU

Donna Kelly, NYU

Fadia Nordvelt, NYU

Christopher Ankerson, NYU

Angela McDonnell, St. Thomas Aquinas

Greeley Koch, NYU, 490 Consulting

Jada Lindblom, UNH

Ed Salvato, NYU

Ron Naples, NYU

Lynn Minnaert, Edinburgh Napier U.

Sven Daniel Wolfe, Uni. Zurich 

David Fennell, Brock University

TTRC Students

Henna Patel, TTRC Coordinator

Ruoqiao Zhou, Graduate Research Affiliate

Bri Konecke, Graduate Research Affiliate

Dani Lelinski, Working Group Coordinator

Yutong Jiang, Graduate Research Affiliate

TTRC Alumni

Hani Cho, TTRC Researcher

Yasmin Yusuff, NYC&Co., Our Vintage Earth

Sarah Weisbuch, Lindblad Expeditions

Owen Wexman, Deloitte

Guillaume Prost, Sofitel NY

Research Affiliates

Lillia Cristina Beltran Galindo

Julian Darwall

Maria Tuttocuore

Tanner Caterina-Knoor

Evan Tzeng

Vincie Ho