Travel and Tourism
Research Collaboratory
New York University
School of Professional Studies
Our mission is to create and share knowledge about the travel and tourism industry through seminars, lectures, and research. The TTRC focuses on the dynamics of the travel, tourism, events, and hospitality sectors, and aims to be a resource for students and educators, government officials, business leaders, members of nongovernmental and community organizations.
"I do think that if I had to choose one word to which hope can be tied it is hospitality. A practice of hospitality— recovering threshold, table, patience, listening, and from there generating seedbeds for virtue and friendship on the one hand — on the other hand radiating out for possible community, for rebirth of community." Ivan Illich
Working Groups
The Travel and Tourism Research Collaboratory (TTRC) is a site of experimentation, gathering, and practice that brings together academic researchers, industry leaders, and students. The Collaboratory utilizes the technological capacity of the Tisch Center's Hi-Hub in conjunction with ongoing faculty research into travel and tourism, building connections with governments, NGOs, and practitioners while giving students hands-on experience with research.