Rollout Plan

Rollout: Music Theory Curriculum

The new music theory curriculum will be phased in Fall 2023–Spring 2025. Students enrolled in Theory I and II in the 2022–23 academic year will continue in their current program of study (taking the courses in blue in the table below). Incoming students and those enrolled in Basic Musicianship I and II during the 2022–23 academic year will begin the new curriculum (choosing from the courses in red) in Fall 2023. 

Blue Courses = Current Courses (unchanged)
Red Courses = New/Updated Courses in the Revised Curriculum

New Curriculum Phasing Plan

Rollout: Music History Curriculum

The new music history curriculum will be phased in Fall 2024–Spring 2026. Courses in blue in the table below are current courses that will run for the last time AY 2024-2025. Those in red will replace and supplement the current history offerings. The current Music History I and II courses and History III and IV courses are being combined into two single-semester courses. Additional history courses will provide students with additional options to fulfill requirements. 

Blue Courses = Current Courses (unchanged)
Red Courses = New/Updated Courses in the Revised Curriculum

New Curriculum Phasing Plan