Pankaj Rajput

“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’?” – George Bernard Shaw

Hello and Welcome to my personal webpage.

I am Pankaj and am a Global PhD Fellow at New York University currently working on Jet Noise Reduction for subsonic jets via downstream fluidic injection.

I did my bachelors from Indian Institute of Technology, (IIT-BHU), Varanasi and masters degree from New York University (NYU). I am currently a doctoral candidate in the pursuit of my PhD at the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Dept. at NYU. I am also a Global PhD Fellow at New York University Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Engineering is my passion. It is the only means which both quenches and instigates my curiosity. It is a way of life for me and through this website I hope to share my passion with the world.

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