Submission Guidelines

Submissions should be written in English and include no more than 16 single-column pages, 10pt or larger. The submissions must be original work, not published or under review at any other conference or journal. Papers should be submitted through EDAS according to the following schedule:

Manuscript submission: July 15, 2018 ( New Extended Deadline !)

Notification of acceptance: September 5, 2018 (Extended)

Camera-Ready submission: September 15, 2018

All submissions must adhere to the Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format. For a detailed description, please consult the Author Guidelines for the Preparation of Contributions to Springer Computer Science Proceedings (version of 26-FEB-2015 in PDF). The LaTex2e template which supports hyperlinks for the online versions can be downloaded (in zip format). As a sample, the source files of the Author Instructions are also made available by Springer. Although discouraged to use, template files for Office 2007 Word are also provided. The authors are advised to carefully read the explanatory typing instruction documents contained within the corresponding archive file. Please note that the wide empty margins are to be expected. The LNCS series will be published in a smaller than A4 cut, and hence the margins will be rectified by the publisher.

The consent form can be download at here.

Walrand_Consent to Publish Form.doc


General Co-Chairs: Jean Walrand (UC Berkeley).

General Vice Co-Chair : Yezekael Hayel (University of Avignon) and Quanyan Zhu (New York University).

TPC Co-Chairs: Rachid El-Azouzi (University of Avignon), Jianwei Huang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), and Ishai Menache (Microsoft Research).

Publication Chair: Tania Jimenez (University of Avignon).

Publicity Chairs: Alonso Silva (Nokia-Bell Labs), Manjesh Hanawal (IIT-Bombay), and Dario Bauso (The University of Sheffield).

Registration Chair: Juntao Chen (New York University).

Local Arrangement: Raquel Thompson (New York University).

Web Chair: Zhiheng Xu (New York University).