The Candy House | See Below

People mentioned


Places Mentioned

Time References

Similes and Quotes

Been living clean, so that's something - Bosco (Page 281)

"Nothing about a speedboat ride is “comfortable” unless you enjoy crashing violently over the tops of waves, as I happen to." - Jazz Attenborough (page 295)

"Jazz Attenborough has a kind of wolfish grin, like he’s enjoying pushing everyone to the brink of death or possibly beyond it." - Bennie Salazar (page 300)

Topics Related to Quantified Self

Mandala Cube and Collective Unconscious: 

The Mandala Cube serves as a platform for the quantified self, allowing individuals to connect their minds and share memories. Opting into the "collective unconscious" involves a trade-off between accessing others' memories and allowing access to one's own.

Technology and Emotional Connections: 

The use of the Mandala Cube raises questions about the intersection of technology and emotional connections. Characters consider whether technology can bridge emotional gaps, facilitate understanding, or exacerbate existing conflicts.

Use of Brain Implant for Monitoring (Weevils): Jules mentions the concept of a scan for weevils, suggesting a form of self-tracking or monitoring for potential issues in the brain.

Jules → Stephanie: "Wish you’d taken up Ames on his offer of a scan. They are VERY hard to come by."

The notion of a weevil scan introduces the idea of monitoring one's brain for potential issues, aligning with the quantified-self paradigm where individuals seek to track and quantify various aspects of their well-being. Jules's comment to Stephanie about the scarcity of such scans implies their value and the difficulty in obtaining them, emphasizing the importance placed on monitoring one's cognitive health.

The discussion between Jules and Stephanie implies the use of a brain implant for monitoring, as Jules mentions having a weevil in his own brain.

Jules → Stephanie: "He had one in his own brain!"

These instances involve the idea of monitoring, scanning, and using technology to track aspects of one's physical or mental state, aligning with the broader concept of quantified self. Moreover, this tells us about the world in which Jules and Stephanie live in. The concept of brain implants for monitoring implies a significant integration of technology with the human body. People in Jules's world seem to embrace technological enhancements to monitor and, potentially, enhance cognitive functions. This integration goes beyond traditional medical interventions and suggests a society where technological augmentations are the norm.

Conversation Between Lulu and Jazz Attenborough

Context: Lulu and Daddy Jazz Hands are on set for MERMANCE. 

Lulu has been promoted to 1st assistant, and she meets

Jazz Attenborough (Dad) in person for the first time.

Lulu: Good morning Mr. Attenborough. How’re you feeling about the shoot?

Jazz: I wanna be done ASAP. Make sure the director makes me look good.

Lulu: Of course. Would you like something to drink while you wait for the next scene?

Jazz: Get me some water.

Lulu: (Walks to the set kitchen and comes back with a jug of milk) Here you go.

Jazz: Milk? I asked for water!

Lulu: And I asked for a dad….

Jazz: I beg your pardon.


(Everyone looks at them, making sure to capture every detail for their upload to Mandala)

Jazz: Who is your mom?

Lulu: Dolly Peale

Jazz: Ah! Yes Dolly... Please listen to me, I can explain....

Lulu: Explain? Like how you explained your sudden disappearance?

Jazz: Lulu, it's not as simple as it seems.

Lulu: (sarcastic) Oh, it never is. Please, enlighten me.

Jazz: Let me show you using the Cube... you see I had to leave... it was the hardest decision of my life...

Lulu: NO! I cannot use... Tell me why you left us!

Jazz: I had my reasons, Lulu. I couldn't risk your safety.

Lulu: Safety? Or was it just more convenient for your secret life?

Jazz: (sincere) Lulu, I love you, and I had to make choices I never wanted to make. Please just let me show you. You'll understand...

Lulu: Why should I opt in to show you my memories. To show the entire world my memories? You made the choice of not being in my life. If I join the collective unconscious, you'll experience my life just like that. YOU DONT DESERVE IT.

Jazz: (pauses) Lulu, you have every right to be angry, but I'm here now. Let me make things right.

Lulu: (crosses arms) Make things right? Can you bring back the years you missed?

Jazz: No, but I can be here now, for whatever time we have left.

Lulu: (softens) That's not good enough, Dad. You can't just come back into my life like that. It's not that easy. You have to do things the right way. I'm not letting you access to my life that you chose not to be in.

Jazz: Lulu, I understand your anger, and I respect your decision. I'll find another way to make amends, to prove that I'm serious about being a part of your life. Just know that I'm here, willing to do whatever it takes, even if it means rebuilding the trust I've lost.

Lulu, still guarded and processing the encounter, nods solemnly.

Lulu: Fine, Dad. We'll see. But for now, we have a movie to shoot.

Jazz looks at her, a mix of regret and determination in his eyes.

Jazz: You're right. Let's focus on the shoot. We'll talk more when you're ready.

As Jazz walks away, Lulu watches him, a storm of emotions in her eyes. The crew resumes their work, capturing the intensity of the moment for the Mandala upload. Lulu takes a deep breath, steeling herself for the challenges ahead. The set buzzes with activity, but Lulu remains in the eye of the storm, grappling with the reality that her estranged father is back in her life.