Placement Examinations

Placement Exams for PhD Students in Music Programs 

Placement exams are administered for all incoming PhD students in music programs except for students who have earned a degree (undergraduate or graduate) from an NYU MPAP program within the last five years. These placement examinations, assessing achievement in music theory and music history, are mandatory and must be completed before the start of the first semester of study. They are available in late August and every effort should be made to complete them before classes start in September. 

Dates for placement exams and additional guidelines are posted on the Music Theory Placement Exam Website.

Doctoral students should complete remedial requirements in year 1 so that they can take graduate-level seminars as soon as possible. Questions regarding placement exams, remedial coursework, or theory seminars should be directed to Professor Sarah Louden, Director of Music Theory 

Online Registration Request Form (for students requiring theory/history remediation and/or students wishing to take a theory seminar which requires permission from the instructor) can be accessed at the Music Theory Placement Exam Registration Website.

English Competency is assessed through the admissions portfolio and, in the case of international students, one of the following English proficiency exams: TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE Academic. 

Additional advisement information for international students is available at the Steinhardt International Student Registration Website

Placement Exams for DMA Students 

Music Theory Diagnostic Exam:

DMA applicants are required to complete the exam as part of the application process, no later than the first week of December for Fall enrollment. The diagnostic exam gauges students’ knowledge of written theory, aural theory, and sight-singing. Students who do not pass the exam (or portions thereof) are required to complete a maximum of four points from the courses listed below, assigned in accordance with their results: 

Music History Requirement:

DMA students who have completed a minimum of two music history courses within the last seven years (equivalent to two 2-credit history courses at NYU) as part of their undergraduate or graduate degrees prior to arrival are exempt from supplemental coursework in music history. Students missing this foundational coursework must complete up to two 2-credit music history courses offered through the Music and Performing Arts Department. 

Please visit  this page to request registration for remediation courses in Music Theory or History.