
Students complete the candidacy process as they are nearing completion of their coursework. For full time students, this is usually in the spring of the second year. For part time students, it will fall within the semester in which you are completing your course requirements. This page provides a general overview for candidacy in the PhD and EdD programs. Candidacy for the DMA Program is addressed on its own page: Achieving Candidacy for the DMA in Music Performance.


The purpose of the Doctoral Candidacy Examination is to assess your readiness to pursue independent research in your chosen field. Successful performance on the examination requires that you think critically, engage substantive issues in a significant way, and show familiarity with the important scholarly publications by which the field is defined. Of paramount importance is the demonstrated ability to write effectively with clarity, insight, and to contextualize your area of specialization in relation to the broader discourse of historical and contemporary arts and ideas. In music, the candidacy includes an assessment of your overall general knowledge of music, music history, and theory. Students are also expected to demonstrate expertise in the analysis of musical works from a variety of historical periods and styles. In Educational Theatre, Music Education, and Music Therapy, candidacy involves completion of a portfolio, a published research paper (for PhDs), an oral presentation, and a performance review. 

Significance of Achieving Candidacy

Prior to formally achieving doctoral candidacy, you are a graduate student who has been identified as potentially able to pursue doctoral study and research. You are taking courses and achieving an academic record. However, there is no commitment from the Department that you are likely to complete the requirements for the degree until after you pass candidacy. Once you achieve the status of doctoral candidate, you may submit your research topic for approval and begin to pursue your research. You may also form your dissertation committee. If you are a performer or composer you become eligible to perform your recitals. The rights and privileges of candidacy, as well as elevated expectations from the faculty, are afforded you once you have achieved doctoral candidacy.

When and How to Apply for Candidacy 

To be eligible to take the candidacy examination, you must meet the following requirements:

For students in Music Composition, Performance, and Technology, the earliest the candidacy examination may be taken is during the final semester of coursework requirements, leaving only Doctoral Proposal Seminar outstanding. Students in Educational Theatre, Music Education, and Music Therapy should consult their academic advisor for guidance on when to complete the candidacy portfolio review.

To apply, please download and complete the application form from the Steinhardt Doctoral Forms Website, listed as Application for Doctoral Candidacy. The form requires you to include your program code - these are listed below:

Students in Music Composition, Performance, and Technology must apply at the beginning of the semester in which you intend to take the Candidacy Examination. Music Education, Music Therapy, and Educational Theatre students complete a Candidacy Portfolio for the candidacy examination (see “Format” below). Students in these programs will have their portfolios approved by their faculty advisor before they can submit the candidacy application and move on to the portfolio review.  For more information on application, submission, exam, and review dates and deadlines, please visit the MPAP Doctoral Candidacy Dates and Deadlines page in this handbook. 

The completed application form, signed by your Program Advisor, must be submitted to the Office of Graduate Studies at the same time that you submit the form to the Department. Send a copy of the application form via email to Heather Hardy and to your Program Advisor. Students in Music Composition, Performance, and Technology will indicate the dates that you took the Graduate Theory and History Placement Examinations. These dates will be verified by Dr. Panayotis Mavromatis, Director of Music Theory.


The format of candidacy exams is program specific, but it typically combines the following three parts: (1) a portfolio or bibliography, (2) a written examination, and (3) an oral examination, completed within the space of approximately three weeks.

1. Portfolio or Bibliography:

The Music Education and Educational Theatre programs use an academic portfolio approach. Music Education students can access more information in this handbook: see Achieving Candidacy in Music Education and Music Therapy. A suggested (but non-comprehensive) reading list for Music Therapy is available.

For Educational Theatre, see Educational Theatre PhD Candidacy Portfolio Guidelines and Educational Theatre and EdD Candidacy Portfolio Guidelines.

Music Performance/Composition and Music Technology students prepare two bibliographies demonstrating knowledge of their broader field and area of dissertation focus, respectively. For all the areas considered, the list needs to show a good balance between books/dissertations discussing foundational knowledge, and articles/papers describing recent advances. Specific guidelines for preparing these bibliographies can be found at the MPAP Doctoral Candidacy Bibliographies page in this handbook.

Music Technology students are also expected to annotate their bibliography, including short comments (no more than a couple of lines) explaining the relevance of each source. Furthermore, music technology students will submit two articles that have been prepared for peer review, either in a professional conference or journal, a 1-page statement about the candidate's research and tentative dissertation plan, and a CV including a list of courses taken, organized per area of knowledge.  For more detailed guidelines, see Achieving Candidacy in Music Technology.

2. Written Examination:

Music Performance and Composition 

The first part of the written examination for students in Music Performance and Composition consists of take-home critical essays to be completed within approximately two days. The topics for critical essays will be particular to each program and will be based on utilizing sources that represent knowledge in the student's field of specialization. The responses to these critical essays are to be emailed directly to the examination coordinator (Heather Hardy).

The second stage for students in Music Performance and Composition is music analysis. Approximately three days before the examination, students will be given the score and recording of the works that they will study. Students should thoroughly familiarize themselves with the music during this time. Students then take a three-hour written examination with specific questions asked about the pieces they have prepared. During the written examination, scores and staff paper are provided, but the recordings are not.

Music Technology

Music Technology students will receive four technical questions three weeks in advance of the written examination, and two music questions one week in advance of the written examination. On the day of the technical exam, the candidate will be given one of the technical questions and four hours to respond to it with no access to books or the internet. On the day of the music analysis exam, the candidate will be given one of the music questions and four hours to respond to it with no access to books or the internet. For more detailed guidelines, see Achieving Candidacy in Music Technology.

Exam Expectations

In addition to using the essays to address the questions, all the candidates will be assessed on their (a) breadth of general knowledge (how specific areas of research relate to the broader scholarly discourse, in terms of historical and contemporary influences), (b) depth of knowledge on specific areas of research, and (c) ability to critically review the state of the art, and articulate a vision for the future of their field.

Students are expected to use word processing tools for their written examination. They will also be trusted to work on their own without consulting faculty, colleagues, or friends either in this department or elsewhere; pre-written material – such as articles authored or co-authored by the candidate – may not be incorporated. Any evidence of such help or plagiarism is grounds for dismissal from the program. Students will not be allowed to bring any notes or materials into the examination room.

3. Oral Examination:

An oral examination lasting up to two hours will take place within approximately three weeks of the written examination. The examining committee will use that occasion to raise questions of a comprehensive nature addressing major issues in the field of the candidate's specialization as well as basic knowledge in related fields. The committee members may revisit portions of the written examination if they wish and inquire about topics covered by the student's reading list. They may also question the student on any elements contained in their bibliographies and/or portfolios.

Evaluation and Advisement

The evaluation of both the written and oral portions of the examination will be the responsibility of a single examining committee. Each committee shall consist of three members, selected by the Examination Coordinator from among all available and qualified doctoral faculty, and typically including at least one faculty member from the student’s program. The examination shall be evaluated as PASS, PASS WITH CONDITIONS, or FAIL.

If the candidacy examination results in a deferred pass with conditions, you will be notified by the exam coordinator or the chair of the review panel of what is required in order to have the conditions removed. If the candidacy examination results in a fail outcome, matriculation is suspended and you must request permission (in writing) from the department to retake the examination. A second opportunity to sit for the examination may or may not be allowed, depending on program or departmental policy. If you pass the second candidacy examination, doctoral student status is restored.

Please note that Steinhardt policy does not allow any doctoral student to take the candidacy examination more than twice. In the event that a student fails the candidacy examination a second time, matriculation in the doctoral program is automatically terminated, in accordance with the guidelines laid down in the Steinhardt Doctoral Policies Website.

Mediation and Appeal

In the event that a student who has failed the examination elects to appeal the decision, the student must follow the guidelines set forth for student complaints as outlined in the Steinhardt Student Guide. The student must follow the procedures outlined below within 15 days from the date of the notification of failure.

In the event of a student’s failure, the Director of Doctoral Studies will discuss options with the student, none of which can be pursued without the support of the student's academic advisor and program director.

Once the support of the advisor and program director is secured: 

If the complaint is not resolved, the next appeal may be made to the Department Chair, Dr. David Schroeder. The Department Chair may meet with the Chair of the Review Panel, the Program Director, and the student. When the complaint is resolved, the Program Director or Department Chairs, respectively, will send a confirmatory memo to all involved as well as the MPAP Director of Doctoral Studies and MPAP Doctoral Coordinator; and this will be shared with the MPAP Doctoral Affairs Committee.

Should the student feel that concerns have not been adequately addressed, the student may appeal to the Associate Dean for Student Affairs, who may make recommendations towards resolving the complaint, in consultation with the Dean. The student may also speak with the Ombudsperson, an associate/full tenured professor elected by students to achieve equitable resolutions to student complaints by ensuring that processes and procedures are followed. Communication with the Ombudsperson is initiated through the Steinhardt Student Services Office, Pless Hall, 2nd Floor.