Our Dataset

First Audio-visual Traffic Monitoring Dataset with Bounding Box Annotations

The original data is collected from the Bosch Group and part of TAU Urban Audio-Visual Scenes 2021, Development dataset. For privacy, all personal information in the videos are all mosaic processed.

The data authorized by the Bosch Group is only for research purpose. The videos have a relatively clear and higher view of the objects.

For more information about TAU Urban Audio-Visual Scenes 2021 dataset, please visit this.

The group mixed the two original dataset together and the material is totally 1.2 hour long with 421 10-seconds video clips. The following plot shows the percentage of the components.


We used MOT as the format for our label documents. The instruction of using MOT can be find here.

Sample Labelled Video

Basic Analysis of Metadata

Scene Difficulty

Illumination Condition

