GLASS Project

About GLASS Projects

The projects for Tandon Honors students in the Global Leaders & Scholars in STEM program consists of a culmination of various experiences, research, and interests related to the Tandon Areas of Research Excellence. Scholars are also required to address the NAE Grand Challenges and think about the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals when doing so. At the end of the 3 years in the GLASS Program, students have a better understanding of the impact they can have on changing the world for the better. GLASS students enter the world as globally competent and socially responsible innovators and engineers!

Mission Statement

GLASS Project:

My goal is to study and understand how cancer pain works. I am currently emphasizing the understanding of oral microbiome on cancer pain progression. Using mice models, AFM, gene amplification, cell lines, histology, and other tools, I am studying the cancer pain process at Yi Ye lab. 

Up to know, I have begun experiementation in the lab. From learning key lab skills like harvesting of specific nerves from mice, conduct mice training, RT-qPCR analysis, and other forms of analysis, I have gotten involved in the projects. Currently I am working on my first manuscript for publication on cancer pain and I am planning my future experiments. 

I plan on continuing this work for my Master's Thesis!

Manuscript in progress: Oral Tumour Microenvironment and Pain Review

Areas of Excellence: Health and Sustainability

In the Ramadi Lab and Ye Lab, I have been using an engineering perspective to face health problems. The GLASS project outlined is looking to understand cancer pain so that genetic alternatives can exist to opioid chronic pain relief. Since the opioid epidemic haunts American healthcare, finding a solution for cancer pain would be a major win in the fight against addiction. 

Although my research is focused on healthcare, staying aware of sustainable practices and an emphasis on translation of healthcare benefits in a sustainable fashion are key. Sustainable scaling of research through my internships has been key to my development  through the GLASS program. Combingin my interest in sustainability and medicine. The goal of helping people with cancer pain cannot be mitigated by environmental injustice. Staying active in sustainable research practices supports the Tandon and UN area of excellence. 

UN Sustainability Development Goals/NAE Grand Challenges

Understanding cancer pain is the first and most crutial step in sustainably solving the problem.  Treating people with pain medication for chronic illnesses lead to addiction. To have good health and wellbeing, cancer needs to be understood and the causes of pain need to be mediated. 

Adding understand to the topic of oral cancer pain will lead to further education on cancer in academia, in the clinic, and in people's homes. Being able to create more knowledge supports the UN goal for quality education, making sure everyone can know something new. 

Final Paper

Collagen and Cancer.pdf