Connect with your purpose.

Setting intentions can help you connect with your values and bring more happiness to your daily life.

A goal is what you want to do. An intention is who you want to be.

When starting a new experience or during a time of stress, setting intentions can be helpful to focus your mind, energy, and mood. There is no "right" or "wrong" format for an intention. It can be a single word or a phrase, for example:

Once you develop an intention that feels right, write it down in a place where you will see it at least once per day. Get creative - you could hang it on your wall or make it the screen saver on your phone.

You can create new intentions at any time! If you are feeling really challenged to maintain your energy, motivation or positive attitude, it might be helpful to re-visit the intention process every week, or even every morning.

Click here for a short guided meditation that takes you though the process of setting intentions.

Here are some reflective questions to help you create an intention:

  • What matters the most to you?

  • What feelings would you like to increase in your life?

  • What negative feelings would you like to let go of?

  • What fears would you like to release?

  • What makes you feel proud?

  • What are you grateful for?

  • How do you feel when you are your happiest self?

  • What word or quote do you connect with right now?