
"Quizlet" is an American online study platform which hleps students learn and memory knowledge or inforamtion by making flashcards. " It was created by Andrew Sutherland in October 2005 and released to the public in January 2007".

"Kahoot" is used to assess students' knowledge by multiple choice quizzes. It's a very interesting and have high participation online study platform. "Kahoot! was founded in 2012 by Johan Brand, Jamie Brooker and Morten Versvik in a joint project with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology".

Common Advantages

  • FUN and EASY to use (Laptop, Computer, Mobile devices)

  • Available for multiple language options

  • Help the teacher assess the students

  • Allowing students to practice their knowledge individually

  • Active class atmosphere, stimulate students' interest

How do teachers use these two Apps in the language learning classroom?

  • Work as quizzes

  • Work as assisting tools to help students memorize information efficiently

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