Plenary Speaker

ALWC2023 is honored to introduce our plenary speaker, Dr. Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth!

Associate Professor of English Education

Teaching and Learning, 

New York University Steinhardt


A digital immigrant's path: Embracing the affordances of technology for language teaching & learning

Although I am an acknowledged digital immigrant, technology and language learning have always been part of my life, and I find that relationship endlessly fascinating. In a world of Zoom, virtual reality, language learning apps from Rosetta Stone to Babbel, cell phones that do everything, and smart watches that don't just tell time anymore, the current affordances of technology and their rapid growth are built upon the foundation of earlier endeavors.

The one constant has been that technology keeps changing at an exhausting pace, and I keep struggling to keep up, keeping the following questions in mind: How can we use technology to maximum advantage for language teaching and learning? How can our research in applied linguistics benefit and inform us?  How can our understanding of linguistics, communicative competence, and culture inform us in developing and applying technology to language acquisition? How can we match the power of cutting edge technology to what is available to learners from different communities to our pedagogical approaches, keeping issues of equity, opportunity, and culturally sustaining learning a priority, as we address the need to diversify instruction? What have been the continuing effects of the COVID Pandemic on all of this?

I look forward to exploring these and other related issues with you- virtually!


Miriam Eisenstein Ebsworth, Ph.D., is Associate Professor in the NYU Steinhardt Dept. of Teaching & Learning, Programs in Multilingual Multicultural Studies (Bilingual & World Language Education and TESOL).  She is also co-founder and Academic Director of the ISEP English program for the families of international students at NYU and co-chair of the Multilingual Learner Think Tank. A formerly licensed Early childhood, ESL, and bilingual teacher in NYC she is an active language teacher educator and researcher, honored by NYSTESOL, NYSABE and NYU Steinhardt. Her languages include Yiddish, English, Hebrew, Spanish and French. She is studying Mandarin (online). Miriam is Eastern Region representative on the NABE Executive Board, serves  on the NY State Seal of Biliteracy Committee and is a consultant for the UN in the continued development of Actionthroughwords, a website for learning English while exploring the work of the UN. Miriam co-founded the Applied Linguistics Winter Conference with Profs. Leslie Beebe and Diana Berkowitz over 40 years ago! 

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