Use these responses and templates as Ready Responsesprepared stock answers to questions that often receive the same, repeated responses. You can download and save these documents to help answer reference questions.

Reference Letter Template: A template for all Reference Letter Replies.

We cannot find the information you've requested: Use this response if you have exhausted your searches for the requested information and still cannot find an answer.

Asking for individual books: Use this response if a patron is asking for individual books to be sent to them (NYPL Jail & Prison Services cannot send books/reading materials to individual patrons beyond Connections). 

There's too much research involved in this inquiry: Use this response if a patron is requesting such a large amount of information that you do not have the time or resources to answer them sufficiently. (Please remember, you shouldn't expend too much time or energy on any one response; there is a 10 page limit for responses to reference letters). 

Legal research and advice: Use this response when a patron's inquiry about law is beyond your research capabilities or if they are asking for legal advice, which we are not allowed to give.

Transitional housing for people convicted of a sex offense: Use this response when a patron inquires about transitional housing, halfway houses, or shelters that accept people convicted of a sex offense. 

Starting your own business: Use this response when a patron is asking for information on how to start their own business. The more detailed information provided in the template is for those seeking to open a small business in New York City.

Social Security and Benefits: Use this response when a patron is asking about how incarceration affects Social Security or VA benefits.

Grievance: Use this response when a patron asks how to file a grievance in New York State.