
People frequently ask for advice on obtaining employment. This is addressed in the Job Search chapter in Connections, but below are other resources that also touch on this subject.

Getting to Work With a Criminal Record: New York State License Guide

A useful guide explaining the process for obtaining licenses in 25 high demand occupations and professions, published by The Institute for Justice and Opportunity at John Jay College.

National H.I.R.E Network

Established by the Legal Action Center, functions as both an aggregate of resources for formerly incarcerated individuals and as an advocacy program. The Clearinghouse provides state-specific governmental agencies and community-based organizations that may assist people with criminal records, as well as practitioners, researchers, and policy makers who seek information about laws, policies, or procedures that impact community reentry.

The Legal Action Center’s Fair Hiring and Employment Resources

Provides a large amount of important resources for those seeking employment. Publications, training materials, sample forms, and advocacy toolkits are available. Information on how to protect oneself from discrimination is available, along with resources dedicated to overcoming employment barriers for people with criminal records.

NYS Civil Service Exam Information

Provides resources including civil service examination announcements, featured programs, and information regarding current job vacancies.

The Brooklyn Public Library’s Career Help

Provides information on what services BPL’s Business & Career Center offers along with resource guides.

The National Inventory of Collateral Consequences of Convictions

An online inventory and searchable database to look up legal and regulatory sanctions and restrictions that limit or prohibit people with criminal records from accessing employment, occupational licensing, housing, voting, education, and other opportunities. Searchable by keyword, jurisdiction (all 50 states, the federal system, and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and U.S. Virgin Islands ), and consequence type.

Truck Driving with a Conviction

A 2021 article from alltrucking.com about how to get a CDL with a felony conviction.