Formosa Speech Recognition Challenge 2018 - Mandarin ASR

Formosa Speech Recognition Challenge 2018 (FSR-2018) is the first event of the Formosa Speech in the Wild (FSW) project, which is an official ISCSLP-2018 activity organized by Taipei University of Technology (NTUT).

Since the language habits of Taiwanese people are different from other Mandarin speakers (both accents and cultures). The current general-purpose automatic Mandarin speech recognition solutions are not suitable for supporting Taiwanese people’s daily life. In order to boost the development of Taiwan-specific speech recognition techniques. We are now calling for and welcome participants from both academic and industrial sectors to FSR-2018. Especially, students are encouraged to opt-in of being considered for the Student Award.


Key Messages

  • Real-Life/Multi-Gene/Spontaneous Taiwanese Mandarin Speech from broadcast radio show series

  • Unique language habits in Taiwan (different accents and cultures)


  • Build an automatic speech recognizer (ASR) that is suitable for recognizing Spontaneous Taiwanese Mandarin Speech (broadcast radio).


  • This challenge is based on the "NER-Trs-Vol1" corpus selected from National Education Radio Archive.

  • "NER-Trs-Vol1" is manually transcribed and consists 11 radio show series, in total about 126.6 hours (training set).

  • This data is released under a license for Non-Commercial Use Only. Please read and accept the License.

  • Here is some Audio/Transcription Samples for your reference.

  • Baseline Scripts: Kaldi-based baseline recipes are provided in Github for new researchers/students to develop their systems easily and quickly (kaldi-asr:master pull request #2474).

Result/Award Announcement

Result/Award will be announced in ISCSLP 2018 (, Taipei, 26 Nov. 2018

Important Dates

  • 2018/06/01 --- Registration Open, Training Data Release

  • 2018/08/01 --- Pilot-Test (dry-run only) Data Release

  • 2018/08/08 --- Pilot-Test (dry-run only) Result Submission

  • 2018/08/15 --- Pilot-Test (dry-run only) Performance Notification

  • 2018/10/31 --- Registration Close

  • 2018/11/01 --- Final-Test Data Release

  • 2018/11/08 --- Final-Test Result Submission

  • 2018/11/15 --- Final-Test Performance Notification (released)

  • 2018/11/23 --- Paper Submission (deadline extended)

  • 2018/11/26 --- Result/Award Announcement, Satellite Workshop of ISCSLP 2018

PS: Pilot-Test (dry-run) is only used to make sure everything for final-test is fine, not for scoring!!!
