Online Workshops

NYCIST December Meeting: A Primer in Online Radicalization and White Nationalist Memes

Wednesday December 12, 2018 12:30PM (Webinar)

Led by Jeannie Crowley (Director of Technology @ ECFS ) and Liam Webster (Director of Technology @ St.Hilda’s & St. Hugh’s)

RSVP Here (password: NYCIST)

While meeting to discuss YouTube and white radicalization at NEIT, many participants expressed a desire to learn how to identify common images, memes, and phrases shared by white nationalist online. Students are being exposed to the iconography of the movement without fully comprehending the underlying meaning of the content they're sharing with peers. Adults in our communities are often unaware of the meaning of the "jokes" shared by students, and miss an opportunity to help educate students about true intent behind the popular memes. In this lunchtime webinar, we'll provide a primer of popular images created by white nationalists, how those images find their way to students, provide a deeper look at how white nationalists are connected and support each other's efforts, and discuss a process to start an education program at your school.

**The content of this discussion is troubling on all levels. Please be aware that we will be explicitly discussing both the racist origins and violent themes of online content. ***

GDPR Hackathon Followup

Friday September 21, 2018 12-12:50 PM

Hosted by Jen Davenport, Avenues

Zoom Link

This will be a follow up to the June conversation to add any new insights to the GDPR documents being developed by the group.