
Current Presidents: Nerissa Sturrup (Mary McDowell Friends School) and Matt Reininger (Trinity School)

NYCIST is a network of New York City metro-area Independent School Technologists who support each other by sharing knowledge and best practices by way of online tools and in-person meetings.

NYCIST promotes the open exchange of ideas between members in a space free from greater organizational or commercial influence and observation.

NYCIST is an independent group; the ideas and views of its members are not representative of the schools in which they work.

    • Technology vendors/company employees cannot be members of NYCIST.
    • Geographical location is not an issue.
    • Members of NYCIST should work at a K-12 independent school, with a primary job role in educational technology.
    • We are a collaborative group that discusses all issues related to technology and education. We share.