Argumentative Research


If you are accessing these resources from home, you will need to get a username and password from Ms. Miller (

POV Reference Center - This database is designed for students doing research on contemporary issues.

INFOhio ISearch - ISearch lets you search nearly all INFOhio databases from a single search box.

Opposing Viewpoints - Explore both sides of a wide range of important social issues, such as euthanasia, censorship, gun control, and narcotics. Includes topic overviews, statistics, tables, images, biographies, websites, and articles from periodicals and newspapers. Available via the Cincinnati Public Library and requires card (NW followed by your student ID number and pin number (1234).) Click here to learn more about how to activate your public library account.

***When you find an article you want to save: Select Save PDF to Cloud. Select Save to Google Drive (make sure you are signed in with your student account) OR Select Print Full Text and change the printer to the Save to Google Drive Option.***

Local Resources

Local Resources Collection - These resources will be helpful for research focused on Cincinnati and Hamilton County.


NY Times - Use the search box at the top of the page to get started.

Pew Research Center - The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes, and trends shaping America and the world. It does not take positions on policy issues. - Unlike regular news services, AllSides exposes bias and provides multiple angles on the same story so you can quickly get the full picture, not just one slant. Promotes critical thinking, education, and informed citizenship and presents controversial issues in a straightforward, nonpartisan, primarily pro-con format. This site pulls together pieces of information from many different sources on a given topic. The linked numbers next to the information will take you to a footnote that links to the original source. Whenever possible you should consult and cite the original source.


Start by going to the library catalog

Click Log In in the top right corner.

Enter your student ID# for the username and password.

Database Tutorials

*The screencasts below reference an older version of the library website as a starting point, but all other information is current.

How to Use Google Drive to Organize Your Research