

Information on the issues below can be accessed through the links listed underneath each title.  Please know that this is not a complete list of resources, nor should this information be used as an alternative to medical or professional intervention in a crisis or serious situation.  Although these sites may be helpful in giving you information, if you, or a loved one is experiencing a serious concern, I strongly recommend that you seek out a professional to assist you in addressing those needs immediately.

Study Skills

How to Study and do other stuff!

This web site offers a lot of information on the "how-to's" of studying. Other skills covered on the site are: Taking Notes in Class, Learning Styles, A Strategy for Reading Textbooks, A Strategy for Reading Novels, Good Listening In Class, Solving Math Word Problems, A Strategy for Taking Tests, Reading Comprehension, Remembering Information, Building Vocabulary, Writing a Research Paper, Making an Oral Presentation, Managing Time, and Word Identification Strategy


Alcohol and Drug Prevention

Info on Teen Alcohol Use and Prevention

This will give you a starting place for researching the issues commonly associated with teen alcohol use. It also gives direction as to how to get help for a person who may be an alcoholic.

Drug Issues and Prevention Strategies

This site will help you find out about "popular" drugs that threaten the lives of today's pre-adolescent and adolescent population. In addition, there are also resources listed that can help you find out more information and what agencies are out there to help young people overcome addiction.


Suicide and Depression Information

Suicide Prevention

This site gives you some perspective about what is happening to the "suicidal" pre-teen or teenager. It also has some additional links that can help you find support resources.

Suicide Helplines
This site helps individuals dealing with suicidal tendencies receive 24 hour support through access to telephone help-lines world-wide.

Mental Health and Suicide Preventions Resources

The above link is filled with information regarding suicide. It provides resources regarding the signs to look for, precautions a person can take, how to manage things after an attempt, and other mental health resources.  A special Thank You to Kelly in Maine for finding and sharing this website with me!!!! 

Information about Depression

This site gives the reader information about the possible causes of depression and the types of help an individual who is depressed can pursue for help. The site also offers access to other resources to help individuals locate other supports to help with the issues connected to depression.

Grief and Bereavement

This site offers some insight into the process of grief and bereavement in relation to loss.

'Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources'

Although this organization is located in California, there is a lot of great information on the website.



Self-Injury and Abuse

Information on Cutting Behaviors

This site will give the reader information into what cutting is, why it occurs, and what can be done about it. My hope is that it will just be one of the first of many steps in getting help for someone who is engaging in this self-destructive behavior.