"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


As a community that values the whole child, Northview Public Schools recognizes the need to care for student's well-being emotionally, socially, as well as academically.

Please use these resources any time your student, family, or you need a moment to

 take a break or take a breath.

IT'S HERE!!!!  Finally, the Spring Break Virtual Relaxation Room is available to you!  


CLICK HERE  to visit the regular Virtual Relaxation Room

Check out more strategies to take a break, use healthy coping skills, and learn more about managing emotions.  Links will change, so check back often!

The SEL theme for April is Problem-Solving!

Every week, your student will learn new skills and engage with activities around the monthly theme.

For the playlist of the month, listen here on Spotify

But, what is SEL?

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the teaching, learning, and utilization of skills, attitudes, and behaviors that allow people to manage emotions, maintain healthy relationships, define personal identity, achieve goals, solve problems effectively, and both feel and appropriately show empathy.

By being enrolled as a Northview elementary student (DK-4), your student receives weekly instruction and classroom engagement in the CASEL 5 SEL standards  adopted by Michigan: