Crossroads Words of Wisdom

Throughout both of my years at Crossroads, i've progressively become more comfortable with the people around me, and i'm able to be myself, and you should do the same! Because you will find the right people if you're being true to yourselves and others! The middle school experience is much better surrounded by people who appreciate you for who you are rather than those who will put you down and encourage you to make bad decisions! 

-Norrah Shobe, 8th

choose your friends wisely

-Anonymous, 8th

don't skip school or you will fail

- Anonymous, 8th

Try doing/submitting assignments ahead. Sometimes work gets piled up, and it gets really hard to turn things in. Don't let that happen!

-HELLO, 8th

Keep your locker clean! I learned this the hard way. My locker has always been messy. It kind of holds you back because you can't find stuff for classes and sports. My advice is that whenever you are done with a paper or assignment and you don't want to keep it, throw it away! Trust me, it will save you from cleaning out a whole bunch of stuff out of your locker in the last week of school. I hope all of you new and incoming 7th graders have a great year at Crossroads!

- Lexie Borek, 7th

Eighth grade is a lot harder and there is a lot more work/homework.

-Alice Czechowskyj, 7th

The more assignments you miss or the more school you miss, the more the work piles up. Good luck sevies.

- Anonymous, 8th

Don't get involved in drama, it's not very cash money👎

-Anonymous, 8th

everything will get worse so get used to it.

-Anonymous, 8th 

Do your homework and get involved with an after school activity

-Kara, 8th 

Don't get caught up in drama or drugs, it's not worth it; also, Mr. Retherford is not that bad

-Sara, 8th 


-Anonymous, 7th

Always come to school with a charged chrome book, always be on teachers good side and not bad side and never let anyone change you.

-elise cnossen, 7th 

Pay attention and follow directions in class. If a teacher or coach tells you to do something they aren't saying it for fun, they want you to do something or learn something through that so just do it. Also, try to get on time to class because those tardies add up really quickly. And lastly, eighth graders don't bite.

-Ella Atkinson, 7th

Crossroads is a lot friendlier than Highlands. Don't feel peer pressured to do things that are bad decisions just because your friends are making unfavorable/vile and all decisions in between. You might not have most of your friends from Elementary school at this point of your k-12 years. People change, so if you feel like you need a new group of friends, do so. As future 8th graders, you'll think the new 7th graders are extremely goofy. Future 7th graders, if you don't want to do Band or Choir in the future, it's a lot easier to quit now than in High School due to planning. Also for 7th graders, don't do anything dumb in front of a High Schooler. The ones you could meet in the future could be vile over something you did in 7th grade.They could call you terrible things behind your back. I hope you get lucky, 7th graders who take buses.

-Alyssa E, 8th

Grades don't determine who you are, your actions do.

-Addison Krandel, 7th

Work hard! You got this! You can do amazing things! Have fun learning! One big thing you need to do is listen. There are many things that you can do, if you just listen.

-June Evenhouse, 7th

No matter how hard the year gets, and no matter the hardships, the friends lost, the sadness and the bad, always remember that the sun will shine through at the weirdest times and make those bad parts feel okay! im proud of you <3

-Milo, 8th

Don't bully people, always be prepared with a pencil, and don't just sit there reading when class is going on, worst mistake of my life. There will also be moments where your brain crashes and doesn't allow you to think of any ideas, you might want to take a break when that happens.

-Anonymous, 7th

Keep your best friend close and you guys will get through anything.

-Anonymous, 7th

stand out but dont be mean, be kind but dont be cowardly , be who you are , be unique and stand for what you believe 

-paige robinson, 8th

Don't be unfunny buddy

-Anonymous, 8th

Be brave and work hard, keep drama out of school work, and complete all of your assignments on time.

-Aoife Scott, 7th

In order to forget your past, you must forgive it. It may be hard at some points but that's life. It will be okay.

-Ethan S, 8th

Remember that people don't matter. The faster you learn to not care what other people think, the faster your life will get infinitely better. People will try to bully you, but don't let them bother you. You can choose if you want to react to what they say. People will hate you no matter what you do in life, just remember to not care about what they say. Call you weird? It's alright. Call you stupid? It's alright. Most of the time, they're trying to project an insecurity onto you to make you feel better. Don't hurt yourself, don't hate yourself, you're more than your grades. Your grades don't define you, you define you, however you want yourself to be portrayed. Don't hurt yourself, don't leave this world, no matter how hard it might be now, it will get better soon. Love you all <3

- Kobu, 8th

drink water

-Isaiah Beardsley, 7th

Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” —Martin Luther King Jr.

-charlie pataniczek, 7th

If you are very self-confident then you will succeed your limits and go further than you want to.

-Oliver, 7th'

you are never as stuck as you think you are, and Happiess is a choice

-Kaselyn Vanzweden, 7th