
Summer Jobs!

Norrah Shobe

Myself and many others at Crossroads Middle School are looking for jobs, specifically summer jobs that will accept and accommodate for 14+, So I took time to email companies and found some results…

Ever heard of TooTalls? It's an ice cream shop on Coit that specializes in tasty treats and quick meals! After emailing them, I figured out that they (sometimes) accept 14-15 year olds, based on their availability and work ethic! If you are interested, check out their website and then click on “Join Our Team” to apply!

Knowing that most students who apply for jobs, intend to earn money, but when making your resume, businesses look for volunteering, past job experiences, and even skills! So, if you're interested in volunteering I'd check out “Bibles for Missions” ,a thrift store that helps donate bibles to those who either cannot read, or don’t have easy access to bibles in their language!

You can check out more about them by visiting their Facebook, etc. 

Although most “big” companies don't usually accept 14-15 year olds for work, besides for a few acceptions, there are a couple “hole in the wall” businesses that would love to hire students, either working as a cashier, or even being a janitor.

A couple tips, I would avoid corporate businesses like Meijers, TacoBell, Walmart, etc. Most places' age limit is 16+ although Michigan's legal age to work is 14. The biggest reason for this is responsibility, attendance, and the WANT to work. Despite having those skills, and even a resume, higher up places will still not take you, so don’t waste your time.

Last but not least, try asking around your family if they would hire you! For example, cleaning businesses, small restaurants, and even small at-home businesses.

Lastly, resumes! Most businesses wont take younger people, but having a resume boosts your chances! For examples on how to create them, I would check out Google Docs sample resume options. If you have any questions on job applications, hiring opportunities, etc. Please contact and ask for Norrah!

Thank you Norrah Shobe for these beautiful photos!

Another thank you to Mrs. Hjelm and Mr. Otten for another great talent show. Congratulations to all those who participated!

Thank you to Mr. Kirkman and Mr. Kerry for MCing. It is a difficult task, but they pulled it off pretty well! Although they had some pretty corny jokes, they both did an excellent job.

Also, there are no pictures of Mr. Bell, but that's only because he was too great. You can find his music on just about anywhere you can listen to music. His name is Bob B Dos. Check it out!

Another thanks to the non-student acts, such as Mrs. Hjelm and Mrs. Buys, Mr. Wells, the Jazz Band, and From The Top.

Overall, thank you for the great efforts put into this years talent show to make up for the absence of last year.