Library Media Center


Northern Valley Old Tappan’s Library Media Center is the information hub of the school, with print and electronic resources extending across Bergen County, and indeed across the world. As a member of the BELS consortium, NVOT students have access to books and resources shared among 35 school libraries. Online database subscriptions and ebooks provide the most accurate, current information available and can be accessed from home as well as in school, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


The Library Media Center is open every school day from 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.

Use of the Facility

Students have access to multiple computer displays in the Main Library. A projection system and whiteboard are available in the Academic Theater and eStudio. The eStudio is a dynamic facility designed to be a flexible collaborative workspace featuring smart- board and other multimedia equipment for large and small groups.

Students using the collection for educational purposes have priority seating, in accordance with Board of Education policies. Students may not play games, engage in online chats, or input personal information on the Internet. Students may not connect to, or participate in, any peer to peer networks, virtual private networks or any internet relay chats (IRC).

To allow everyone the opportunity to concentrate and work without being disturbed, the LMC maintains a quiet atmosphere. As in any classroom, sleeping is not appropriate behavior. Anyone unable to comply with these basic courtesies will be asked to leave.

Talking on Cell or Mobile phones is prohibited at all times. However, these mobile devices are welcome as research tools to be used in “silent mode”. No food or drink is permitted in the LMC. Valuables (calculators, backpacks, etc.) are the responsibility of the student. Lock your valuables in your locker.

Library Book Security

The LMC security system was installed to ensure the quality and continuity of our book collection for all Northern Valley students, now and in the future. Students removing books from the library without following proper procedures will face appropriate disciplinary actions.

Borrowing Procedures

  1. Students should present a valid Bergen County public library card in their own name or a picture ID to register for borrowing privileges in the NVOT, BELS, and BCCLS collections.
  2. Books are charged out for 28 days and may be renewed unless previously reserved by another student or on closed reserve for a class research assignment.
  3. All books must be charged out at the circulation desk before being taken from the LMC.
  4. Students may only charge books for their own use. Students may not charge books on friends’ cards.
  5. A fee of 5 cents per day will be assessed on any overdue books.
  6. All book damages, lost books, and late fees must be paid for by the student to whom the book was charged.
  7. Students who do not observe these procedures may have their borrowing privileges suspended.
  8. Class schedules for the following school year will not be issued to students who have outstanding LMC obligations.