Athletic Selection

One goal of our athletic program is to involve as many students as possible. Any student may try out for an Old Tappan team. The student must present a signed parental permission form, get a physical examination from his/her doctor, complete an Athletic Trainer's emergency card, and submit a signed steroid testing consent form.

Since the State now requires the school doctor to sign off on every physical, student-athletes should hand in physicals at least one month prior to the start of their season. In addition, the State Association has mandated that a steroid consent form must be signed to participate in athletics. These forms may be obtained from the coach at a pre-season meeting, the athletic director or at the nurse’s office. Only one physical is required per year. Since the physical exam is good for one year from the physical date, we highly recommend that physical be taken in the summer. This will prevent expiration on a physical during the school year.