Call for Papers

Submission Instructions and Timeline:

We invite submissions of short papers from all members of academia and industry. Please submit your paper via our OpenReview portal.

Papers must be 2-4 pages in length, including all references and appendices. We encourage papers to follow the official RSS LaTeX template. Submissions may have a supplementary video if desired. 

The papers will be reviewed by our program committee, consisting of members of the research community. The review process will be double-blind. Please do not include your names on your submissions until after the review process is complete.

Authors of accepted papers will be asked to submit a camera-ready version and make a corresponding poster. A subset of papers will also be selected for lightning talks.

4/4/23: OpenReview portal opens for submissions

5/15/23 5/15/23 5/31/23 (midnight AoE): Final deadline for submissions

5/15/23 6/02/23 6/10/23: Acceptance/rejection decisions are sent

7/3/23: Camera-ready papers and posters are due via OpenReview


Accepted Papers:


Best Paper Award: To be determined.