Sierra Vista Counseling Department

8100 W. Robindale Road, Las Vegas, NV 89113

                       702-799-6820 ext 4300

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The Sierra Vista High School Counseling Department is dedicated to provide students with a comprehensive program to develop the appropriate skills and mind sets to be well rounded individuals.   We use programs and strategies to promote student achievement in academic, career, and social/emotional development. 

We recognize students should demonstrate growth in these domains equally to be successful.   We understand these domains are intertwined and affect one another.   

We collaborate with school staff, parents, and the community to create a safe and respectful learning environment for students to achieve optimal personal growth, acquire positive social skills and values, set informed career goals and realize their full academic potential to become productive, contributing members of the world community.

High school counselors hold a master’s degree and state certification in school counseling.


Counselor Caseloads for the 24-25 

Counseling Caseloads for the 24-25 school year are still being determined. If you have a question that cannot wait to be answered until school starts please reach out to our counseling secretary.

702-799-6820 ext 4300

Calendar will be updated with scholarship deadlines, college visits, and career opportunities for Sierra Vista students.