Safe Routes to School

The Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is an international program that encourages children to walk and bicycle to and from school safely. The SRTS program is built on five strategies called the "6 E's" (Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, Engineering, Evaluation and Equity,) to address challenges and barriers to walking and bicycling.

The Clark County School District SRTS program is federally funded and we work with schools and our community partners to identify improvements, programs and policies to make walking and bicycling viable and safe transportation options. The benefits of implementing the SRTS program are far-reaching and include: improving safety, encouraging physical activity, and reducing traffic congestion and motor vehicle emissions. Not only does SRTS benefit students, but adjacent neighborhoods.

For more information visit the Safe Routes To School website.

Check out this message from CCSD Police. Please be safe out there! School zones are active. Please obey school-zone speed limits.
