Phone Photography

This assignment was fairly easy considering we have to use our phone to take photos. I am glad I was able to go out and take photos to help improve my skills and to also be able to take this skill and apply it somewhere else.

This photo of when I went to get lunch has a great balance of the food. Like every food in the photo doesn't really overtake any other. I was able to capture the variety of food that is in the photo. When I look at this photo I picture it being on Yelp or something and that is why I chose it.

This photo I took inside of the Bellagio garden makes a beautiful background for a phone. It has a great balance in color and the figure falls on the rule of thirds. I love how the tips of the flower stand out more than the center. Over all the repetition is fairly nice and it brings this photo to be a great wallpaper.

Here is one of my friends, Haylee. This makes a great friend photo because I was able to capture her sitting on a rail outside of the Bellagio after doing a photoshoot. The lighting is great and her smile ties in everything. The beautiful colors in the background and with her, creates a balance with the variety of colors in the photo. The photo is not really in the center but it is not also on the rule of thirds but it falls in between and makes the photo look better.

This photo of Mr. Thomas's room is beautiful because of the amount of things I was able to expose in the room. The room is dark on the left side but the balance of light from the window pulls the room together along with the materials in the room.

Out of all the other selfies I took I really like and approve of this one. The photo is kind of crooked but it captures the pattern in the background and the amount of light in the photo. There is not much variety of things going on but the photo is great. My arm might be in the way but its fine.