
Overall this assignment was quite easy but a very fun and important one, first off this really challenged me to create a picture where I had to apply concepts such as: horizon line, rule of thirds, and balance. This assignment was really fun because I have never shot anyone and nor have I ever been a model to be shot. This was a great experience and I hope to do something related to this in the future.

This was one of my favorite shots because Tyler (model) had his hand placed on the pole and it gave the photo some variety. This shot was also shot horizontally and I used the rule of thirds to make the picture straight. I also like the background a lot because it doesn't give off too much color to throw the portrait off.

In this shot I like the seriousness on his face and the background adds some variety but doesn't stray off from the portrait. Overall a very solid shot.

The model in this shot is laying down much like the scene from Titanic which is quite comical. Moving on I used the wall that Tyler was laying on for a horizon and I used the buildings in the back to make the picture straight.