Best Shots

This picture is special because of the illusion it creates by playing with the depth of field.

This picture is an overall great picture, great leading line, nice lighting, follows the rule of thirds, and the colors are very vivid.

This is my favorite picture that I took for forced perspective, the colors are very bright and vivid and Jayleen looks like a giant about to stomp on the building.

I like this picture because of the focal point and the colors that contrast.

This picture is awesome because of the colors and lighting that it has. It also follows the rule of thirds very well and I like the overall unity in the photo.

I like this photo because Marc looks very small and it has a good humor aspect.

I love this picture because of the leading line it has, the symmetry between the trees and the lighting.

I like this picture because of the color of the sky in the background and depth of black it has.

This picture has perfect composition, great colors, and nice symmetry and thats why this picture is special.

I like this picture because of what I was able to capture with slow shutter speed, the light that was captured looks very nice.

I like the silhouette that is created with the gate and the two people, the color and lighting is very nice.

I like this picture because although this is a silhouette, it still has a great color with the hue of light from the sun.

This is my favorite framing picture because its as if Marc was in the jungle. This picture also has good composition.

This picture has good usage of space and the depth of field is also very nice.

I like this picture because it has great colors and lighting, I also like the line down the middle of the picture and how its separated by the colors.