
This assignment was easier than the last because you could focus on one specific object. I found it easier to also come up with ideas on what I could incorporate into my pictures. I enjoyed this assignment because it was fun and it also only took me two tries and only 150 pictures to get it done, far less than the previous assignment.

At first I didn't like this picture for what ever reason but people around me told me that it was such a cool shot. As I kept looking at it, I began to develop a liking for the picture. It has a nice leading line and it also has a nice feel of depth added to it.

This picture was fun to take because I actually had to take off my shoes and put them on the stairs in order to take it. This shot fills up the rule of thirds and also is nice and straight. It was my own idea that I came up with right on the spot and I'm proud about how it turned out!

This picture was pretty easy to take and it turned out really well in my opinion. It has a nice depth feel in the second and third stair and the last two at the top make it feel like the stairs are even. I also liked how the different tones of gray looked together.