Parent Information & Resources

Yearbook sales are OPEN! Purchase your yearbook before March 31 and recieve a FREE ticket to our Toland Yearbook Signing Party. Follow the QR code to visit the online store.

¡Las ventas del anuario están ABIERTAS! Compre su anuario antes del 31 de marzo y reciba un boleto GRATIS para nuestra fiesta de firma del anuario de Toland. Sigue el código QR para visitar la tienda online. 

Parents/Guardians are encouraged to submit their 2024–2025 Districtwide Parent/Guardian Survey online using a computer, laptop, or other mobile device. Any parent/guardian with children enrolled at the school are eligible to take the survey. Thank you! 

Family Resources

Recursos Familiares

Click on the buttons below! ¡Haz clic en los botones de abajo!

Volunteer Badge Information Información de la insignia de voluntario

We are in need of "badged" parent volunteers for the upcoming school year. Please contact Mrs. Snipes at 702.799.7113 to begin the process. 

Necesitamos padres voluntarios "con credencial" para el próximo año escolar. Comuníquese con la Sra. Snipes al 702.799.7113 para comenzar el proceso.