IndivIdualized Education

The goal of Southeast Career Technical Academy is to follow PL 94-142 and amendment “Individuals with Disabilities Act” (IDEA –101.149) by placing students in the “least restrictive environment.” An Individual Education Program committee, with parent involvement, works together to establish and maintain the most appropriate Individual Education Program (IEP) for each student. The student’s schedule is developed from the IEP.

At Southeast Career Technical Academy, the co-teaching and cooperative-consultative teaching models are used as an alternative approach to the delivery of special education services for mainstreamed students. The primary goal of the co-teaching and cooperative-consultative teaching models is to meet the needs of students who are eligible for special education and whose IEP includes placement in regular education courses. A special education teacher provides direct assistance with techniques and adaptations appropriate for the regular classroom. Co-teaching and cooperative-consultative teaching do not replace any of the program options that are presently available at Southeast Career Technical Academy. It is intended to fill the gap that exists between special education and regular education placement.

2023-2024 Courses