North Union
Counselor Corner
College and Career Readiness - Start Early!
Senior To Do List
Retake ACTs (September, October, or December)
Visit with college reps when they visit school
Visit colleges
Apply to colleges (all that you're interested in attending, not just one)
File FAFSA (opens October 1 - some colleges have financial aid priority deadlines of December 1)
Start looking and applying for scholarships (most local ones will come out shortly after the New Year, but some colleges have December 1 deadlines)
Apply for college housing (usually under the Campus Life tab)
Apply for scholarships!!!
Complete and submit paperwork for financial assistance such as loans, grants, etc. (you do not have to take out all of the loans that have been offered to you - you can reduce or refuse them)
Sign up for a summer orientation session at the college you'll be attending
Let colleges that you have been accepted to but will not be attending know of your plans (contact their admissions office)
Explore colleges - look online, visit with reps when they visit school, visit colleges, go to college fairs
Explore different major options - look at programs of study at different colleges, take a variety of classes, take interest inventories, job shadow
Prepare for the ACTs (start studying now and test in the spring - February, April, June, or July)
Freshmen and Sophomores
It's all about exploring your different career options - work, apprenticeships, military, college!
Take a variety of classes
Get involved in different extracurricular activities and volunteer experiences (Silver Cord hours!)
Start looking at different careers/majors
Start looking at the option of college classes if you are not already taking them
Work hard and keep your grades up - GPA matters!!!
Contact Information
Detra Harle
9-12 School Counselor
North Union High School
600 4th Avenue
Armstrong, IA 50514
Phone: (712) 868-3542
Fax: (712) 868-3550