Participation in International Conferences

Астапєєв Денис Сергійович.pdf
Denis Astapieiev.pdf

Student of the Course, "Artificial Intelligence for Information Technologies" Astapieiev D., took part in two international conferences and had two publications.

Коваль Богдан Віталійович (2).pdf
Коваль Богдан Віталійович (1).pdf

Student of the Course, "Artificial Intelligence for Information Technologies" Koval D., took part in two international conferences and had two publications.

Vadym Seleznov.pdf
_Vadym Seleznov.pdf

Master Student Seleznov V., took part in two international conferences and had two publications.

Болгов Дмитро Русланович.pdf

Student of the Course, "Artificial Intelligence for Information Technologies" Bolgov D., took part in the international conference and had publication.

Музика Руслан Володимирович (1).pdf

Student of the Course, "Artificial Intelligence for Information Technologies" Muzika R., took part in the international conference and had publication.

Прокопенко Ксенія Михайлівна.pdf

Student of the Course, "Artificial Intelligence for Information Technologies" Prokopenko K., took part in the international conference and had publication.

Хоменко Сергій Сергійович.pdf

Master Student Khomenko S., took part in the international conference and had publication.

Юрченко Олександр Олександрович.pdf

Student of the Course, "Artificial Intelligence for Information Technologies" Yurchenko O., took part in the international conference and had publication.